Sunday, May 29, 2011

It takes a Village/Ward/Community

I have a fun post about Memorial Day weekend ... but since it isn't over yet I decided to share something that was on my mind lately, especially today. Do you remember when Hillary Clinton came out with the book titled "It takes a Village" several years ago? Honestly, I never read the book (nor do I generally agree with much Hillary has to say, but that is an entirely different matter), but I agree so much with the principle.

When we bought this house we really lucked out ... we didn't really know anything about the area. We just felt great vibes and decided it was for us. And boy were we right. We are surrounded by a neighborhood, ward and community who embraces one another fully. There are great people here. And great parks, programs, doctors, teachers, etc. And a ward who looks out for one another.

Since having Landon we have really understood on a whole new level why those things matter so much. It takes a village/ward (as was today's case) to raise a Landon.

It takes young men, worthy of a sweet little boy's admiration passing the sacrament each week as an example to him. Just today he was looking adoringly at them standing there waiting to be called back up to the front and one of them caught Landon's gaze and smiled at him. Landon glowed. And so did his mom who happened to catch the moment.

It takes Jeff's 11-year-old scouts trying so hard to include a 1 year old whenever they can. When we walk into singing time they fall all over themselves to hold him or talk to him. And the couple of times he has accompanied Jeff to a mid-week activity they go out of their way to make him feel part of what they are doing.

It takes patient older ward members who don't mind that Landon just threw his book under their seat (again), or is poking their back during the Sunday School lesson (those chairs with holes in the backs are much to tempting for a little boy to resist).

It takes friends and neighbors who also have kids to provide that extra distraction Landon (and we) need during the three hour block. We trade toys, snacks and sometimes even kiddos for a bit of a break from wrestling with our own.

It takes a friend to grab the sippy cup you left behind and let you know they'll drop it by later because they didn't want it to get lost and happened to know it was yours.

It takes a ward who is willing to drop everything to help someone in need by bringing in meals, no matter what the cause. When we had Landon people brought meals over a three week period. Three weeks. At the time we were between Compassionate Service Leaders ... they did it all on their own. Amazing. And I have seen it happen in many other situations as well.

It takes friends who watch out for our home, kiddo and us all the time. Many of them (but one in particular) who have provided advice or sanity at just the right moment. Or dessert. Either one works every time :)!

When we eventually do move, we'll ask a lot more questions about the schools, parks around the area and activities provided by the community for children. We might even visit the ward to check it out. But they will have lot to live up to. A lot. Because this village has done a bang up job of showing us how it's done. Thanks Village :)!

As a funny side note: At dinner I asked Landon if he learned anything new at church today. And he had an answer from me! He started doing the "rah-rah" from the BYU Cougar fight song. I'm not even kidding :)! Can you blame us for thinking he is adorable ... and brilliant :)!


Kristen said...

Super cute, his little report on church, haha!

It's so true, this ward is AWESOME. I have been so pleasantly surprised at all the amazing people. It's a great place to live.

Matt and Carolyn said...

Ok, this totally made me cry! Mostly because I was sitting here at my computer thinking the same thing, and wondering how best to thank the many people (you in particular!) that have saved us so much this week, but also many other times in general. I have been feeling so overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from our friends/neighbors/ward, and I can't help but get teary. I agree with everything you said!
We couldn't survive without it, too!

Stepper the Mighty said...


So well-said. And so true. We miss that particular Village greatly.

But we are so glad for the friendships we've been able to take along with us!

Speaking of which - dinner/games, soon?

Anonymous said...

I helps that Landon is super cute and you guys are amazing!!!!

Janey said...

Yes, a ward I want to stay in FOREVER! If only we had an attached backyard, aargh. Don't move please! I'm coming to remove that big post in your yard......