Today was one of those days that didn't quite go the way I had it pictured in my head.
I'll start at the beginning ... a couple of months ago I applied to throw a House Party. If you don't know what they are you can check them out at: Basically companies are marketing their products through consumers who apply to host a "party" for friends and give out/demonstrate their product. There isn't actually any selling per se just fun, coupons and free stuff (it's pretty sweet). I was selected to host a Gerber Generations party and set the date for today.
Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago when Jeff found out he had to get 6 crowns done. Today. Well, we knew he would be sedated, but neither of us really pictured how today would go so he insisted that I still host the party since changing it would be a pain and we arranged for my mom to pick him up after he finished.
I assumed he would be about as loopy as he was when I dropped him off. Totally able to walk, but saying silly things and talking about how he could see double and then laughing like a kid when it turned out what he was looking at was really just one of something. It was a pretty amusing drive to the dentist :)!
I just figured he come home the same way and head upstairs to take a nap ... right? Wrong. My mom went to pick him up ... and almost literally had to pick him up. It took the dentist and her to get him into the car. He was chatting like a 6 year old to her on the way home (he has NO recollection of anything ... which really makes me wish I had the foresight to video this and post it on youtube ... he had some awesome lines).
The party was in full force when they got to our house ... but luckily we were up at the playground so no one witnessed any of this! After giving Jeff strict instructions to stay in the car (she was worried he would fall) my mom tracked me down. I was still in la-la land of what I thought he would be like so I just assumed she was coming to let me know he had put himself in bed. Wrong again.
It took both of us (and a nice party-attending neighbor holding Landon) to get him up the stairs and into bed. By this time the party migrated back to our house. So my mom took over grandma duties and stayed with my guests so I could finish getting a VERY out-of-it Jeff settled. The whole time I felt terrible! I felt like I was rushing to help Jeff to get back to my guests ... but neglecting him by doing so!
After another hour or so of chaos things started to calm down a bit. Jeff was sleeping peacefully, Landon went down for a good afternoon nap, and happy guests (at least they claimed they had fun ... I've never thrown anything kid-focused so I really have no idea how it went) were on their way home with goody bags and full stomachs.
As he woke up intermittently Jeff and I continued to have the same conversations off and on throughout the rest of the day. What time did he get home? What really happened when he was there? And most importantly: Did the dentist gave him a free toothbrush (when I told him no, Jeff gave a few colorful responses ... because naturally he asked this question multiple times. He must have really wanted that toothbrush is all I have to say!)? And when I complimented his new teeth he asked "Do I look skinnier?"
And his best line of all "I peed my pants!" said like a proud 6-year-old. He was correct ... he did ... which is typical for the type of sedation he was under. But wow ... was he proud!
Again, there were a lot of great lines, but most of them were a bit too colorful for this blog (apparently that stuff really loosens the tongue!).
Then I had to be the bearer of bad news. All this was just to put the temps in. He has to go back in 2 weeks to have the real ones set.
Really?! This was actually news to me too (it is a good thing I called the office when things quieted down ... I found out a lot of useful info!).
And I can assure you when Jeff found out it wasn't pretty. Pretty funny though :)!
All in all we survived ... and it leads me to the next three things I am VERY thankful for today.
31. My mom. She was the hero of the day! She did so, so much for all three of us ... and then she made sure we were okay the rest of the day. She offered to pick up Jeff's prescriptions, etc. and we had some great laughs about what Jeff said :)! And to top it off she is coming to babysit Landon AND Jeff tomorrow while I am at work.
32. Naptime. It was a sanity saver today ... for me and for both my boys!
33. Our dentist. He seriously has to be one of the nicest people I have ever met. Jeff isn't super nice to dentists and it doesn't even seem to phase this guy. He actually called Jeff at the end of his work day today to check on him and give him his cell phone number just in case he needs anything over the weekend. That is priceless in my book. So if you need a good dentist in the area Dr. Griffiths at Mapleton Family Dentistry is amazing!