Sunday, July 17, 2011


Today we took Landon to Nursery at church for the first time!! Technically he is only 16 months (tomorrow!) but since we teach a Primary class we can take him early. We were planning to wait until after Hawaii, but he was so busy during Sacrament meeting, we decided just to give it a shot today. He did great!! I was determined to be the kind of parent I liked when I was a nursery leader - we didn't linger or let him think that we will be a permanent part of the experience. Instead we kissed him goodbye and walked out. He didn't even cry ... he was so happy to see so many new toys! I, however, almost started crying (my saving grace was thinking of Sacrament meeting again ... it helped my resolve not to go scoop him right back up again!)! He just seemed so little in there ... and so grown up at the same time. How is my little baby already ready to be in Nursery?! (Just writing it I almost started crying again)

A little later, I thought I heard him crying, but apparently it was solved really fast because they didn't come get us at that point. He made it the whole first hour. Snack time made him a bit apprehensive (shocking, I know) so they brought him to me at that point.

I decided at the very end of church to take him back in to let him do bubbles with the other kids. I left him again so that when we went to pick him up it would be a big, exciting ordeal (just like for the other kids) so he could see and experience that. He loves bubbles so I knew he would be okay :)!

I'm so proud of him! He did great for his first time, especially since it is right during his normal nap time. Nursery may take a little bit longer for him to get used to the full two hours, but it is SO worth it ... for his interaction with friends ... and our sanity during the rest of church!! Yay for Nursery and Nursery leaders!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a big boy! He's growing up so fast!