Yesterday I cleaned our sliding glass door. While I was busy cleaning, Landon was busy watching. When I went outside to clean he was so kind as to put both his little hands (whose prints I had just cleaned off) and his tongue on the glass :)! I had to laugh... he was just so interested in what I was doing. I didn't think much of it and went back to making dinner.
But a few minutes later I found him doing this:
He got into the washrag/towel drawer and pulled a couple out, crawled over to the glass, stood up and started washing the windows. It was so cute I could hardly stand it!
That is so funny because Ethan has just recently started doing the same thing. He loves to clean the tile in our kitchen. =) I'm guessing the desire to clean won't last long, so we should enjoy it while we can!
Soooo cute!! Kaylee loves to help me with laundry. She gets very upset if I don't give her some clothes to carry to the laundry room. If only it could last into and through their teenage years...
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