Thursday, October 22, 2009

What a Morning!

This morning started off a bit crazy! You know those days when it seems like everything is going the wrong way? That was exactly how I felt this morning. I woke up thinking that I had forgotten to sign an important international document that is needed for a visit from a government official this morning at work ... so I was rushing around trying to get ready as fast as I could, knowing I had to still run a couple of errands this morning as well ... and I am the only admissions person in the office today! Stress! Luckily I did find out that I had in fact signed the right paper yesterday, so I could breathe a little easier.

As I am trying my hardest to shove breakfast down my throat (because I still have a lot of places to go before work) I realize that the cute outfit I am wearing ... I TOTALLY wore it LAST week! No time to change ... luckily I don't think anyone will notice. And it's a bit excusable with my current lack of a waist line and clothes that look okay on me...

So I rush out the door with Ellie (more on her in a bit), and head to Albertson's to get some water and snacks for our on-campus visitor. Everything is going well and I suddenly have the brainstorm that I can cut out one of my stops by cashing the check I need to cash right there! Not so fast ... no one can cash a check there until 9 am! What they heck?! Back to the car ... and on to the bank.

I got on the wrong road ... so I way overshot the bank, and took more time! How do you over shoot the bank in a town the size of Spanish Fork you ask ... please keep in mind how long it took me to realize I wore the same outfit also ... enough said.

Luckily I was the only person in line at the bank. Things go well except that I pulled way too far away from the machine, and in the process of sending the little round thing back, almost dropped the money I had just gotten out of the open car door. Thank goodness I didn't ... I'm not sure I would have realized until it was MUCH too late!

On to take Ellie to the groomer (hence the reason she was with me). We're on our way there and I am thinking that things are starting to go well and I am calming down from my rushed state. I was wrong again ... the road to the groomer's is CLOSED! Don't you think the lady could have mentioned that?! So I had to take a major detour. Ellie didn't mind ... she HATES the groomer ... We did eventually make it in and the lady checked her right in so I could run. Poor Ellie was watching me pay for it and barking and whining with a look that screamed "I thought we were friends!"... it was so sad!!

Finally on my way to work ... and I stop at a red light and ALMOST drive right through as if it is a stop sign not light! It is a good thing I even made it here alive and well...and by 9:15 as planned.

The bright spot of the morning? There was a note left in my purse from my cute husband telling me how much he loves me ... and suddenly the morning was right again :)!


Becca said...

Hmm, I only have enough outfits for two weeks max, so I often end up wearing an outfit I wore last week. But perhaps my dressing operating procedure shouldn't be your standard. :)

lance, miss, my, & finn said...

that was all before work!? that sounds like a very long morning, indeed.:)
when I was pregnant, I had like, 5 pairs of pants. I'd do some rotating w/ shirts, but yeah, definitely some rewearing happening.:) luckily my first graders were WAY more interested in my belly than my clothes! and I always wore an apron too. maybe you should get some aprons?:)