Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Everybody loves a preggo ...

I never realized before how much everyone loves it when someone is preggo. The second people have found out that I'm pregnant they have just showered me with good wishes, advice, books, offers of items to borrow...the list goes on and on. It's really fun!

Just today this very nice girl was subbing for our office manager who is out of town. She must have picked up from something I said that I am expecting, because before she left she gave me her favorite baby magazine and told me all about free things you can sign up for.

It's so nice of everyone! And if you are one of the people I am referring to, please know how much it means to me and how sweet I think it is! I am certain you made my day ...


Becca said...

I for one love you much more now that you are pregnant. ;)

Stepper the Mighty said...

Was it American Baby? Because if not, you should sign up for the free 6 month subscription to that one. It's my personal favorite. :)

I misread the title of your post from my blog feed - thought it said "everybody knows a preggo" - which made me laugh out loud. Because dude! Have you noticed? Lots of people are expecting!

today one of the girls asked if I was having twins. Nice, huh?