Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Landon LOVED Trick or Treating this year!! He also really liked his costume (a bear) - he thought the hood part was a football helmet. Needless to say, we let him believe it :)!
He was so happy walking all over the neighborhood. And was a pro at knocking on doors (he would knock until someone answered, or we told him no one was home) and saying his version of "trick or treat." He loved picking the candy out of the bowl and even got really good at saying "thank you" at the end. Who knew we could improve manners on Halloween ... nothing like a little motivational candy!We had so much fun taking him around the neighborhood!! The first thing he said the next morning when he saw his bucket was "candy!" Oh dear!!

It was so cute it was worth the Halloween-excitement-hangover the next day!!


Carolyn said...

He sure makes a cute bear/dog!! :) It was fun seeing him out trick or treating.

Tamsin North said...

He was an adorable little bear; I just wanted to pick him up and squish him!