Thursday, December 18, 2008


I have gotten tagged a few times ... and have failed to follow through! So here is one ...

8 Things I'm passionate about:
1. Jeff
2. Family
3. The Gospel
4. Reading
5. Traveling
6. Christmas
7. Helping young women (both in my calling and at my job)
8. Being kind

8 Words or Phrases I say too often:
1. Hello, this is Ari (when I answer my work phones)
2. A million things I say to parents about New Haven
3. No, no, no
4. So...
5. Come here, Ellie
6. Ellie no
7. Where's my cell phone?
8. I love you (best phrase ever ... and I don't think it can ever be said too much!)

8 Things I want to do before I die:
1. Travel more
2. Have a baby
3. Go on a Cruise
4. Work part time
5. Volunteer work
6. Meet a Prophet
7. Maintain a positive attitude no matter what happens
8. Watch my kids get married in the temple and have kids themselves

8 Things I have learned from my past:
1. Friends come and go, but family is here to stay
2. The gospel is the same no matter where you go
3. Heavenly Father understands the pain you are in and can bring peace in any moment
4. Marry your best friend.
5. Attitude is everything, because you can't control everything!
6. Never end a conversation angry and always leave with an I love you
7. Less makeup is better than more
8. Orange is not my color

8 Places I would love to see:
1. Ireland
2. Hawaii
3. Greece
4. Scotland
5. Caribbean
6. Sanibel Island, Florida
7. New York City (again)
8. England (again)

8 things I currently Want or Need:
1. More time (can I put that 8 times over?)
2. Finish up my pre-Christmas to do list
3. Maid
4. Food storage
5. A car that Jeff can drive in the snow that doesn't freak me out
6. A vacation (only 1 more week!)
7. Flat shoes to wear in the snow
8. A massage

8 People I tag to do this:
1. Megan
2. Missy
3. Becca
4. Lisa
5. Cinda
6. Merilee
7. McKenna
8. Stephanie

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