This is Josh, Emily, Gracie and Will ... posing before their adorable
Here are the Travis family 5 ... after a Saturday of football and playing in the Kanab pool! Their names all start with an M ... McKenna, Merrill, Madilynn, Marin and Mace :)! I am always so impressed when Merilee
McKenna (our oldest niece) was singing in church on Sunday, so when we went to Kanab on Saturday, she sang her song for us. It was "I Heard Him Come" - a favorite of mine and Jeff. And McKenna did an amazing job!! She is so talented! Jeff and I love it because I sang it in High School and Jeff's grandpa sang it at his mission farewell ... so needless to say we were so excited to hear it again (we later joked around that Jeff's mission and me singing in high school would have been at the exact same time!)!
This is us with Grandma and Grandpa Crosby. They are some of the neatest people I know. We are so lucky to have them in our lives - for their example and legacy. They fed us dinner from their garden! We're especially glad we got to spend time with them.
And last, but certainly not least ... this is us ... eating at In n' Out!! My favorite! Don't we look In
On our way home my mom called and invited us over for dinner! It was SO nice not to have to cook when we got home - it was very thoughtful of them!