I am terribly behind! I have so much to blog about - do you ever compose blog posts in your head and then never find time to actually type them? That's been the last couple of weeks for me. I'll catch up ... but I had to post this tonight because I thought it was so cute.
For Family Home Evening this month we are talking about America and freedom (in preparation for the 4th of July). I was so surprised when we showed Landon the flag again tonight he remembered what it was (yay for tiny successes!). For our activity we let him make his own flag...
Cute huh? He was really focused on the stripes - I think it is a pretty legit rendition.
Then ... the evening took a more creative turn :)!
Haha! I love it! And that painting Landon did was pretty impressive!
Seriously, Ari.
You should frame that.
And you haven't painted with passion until you got it on your belly-button.
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