Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday (Mis)Adventures

A few days ago Megan and I got a wild hair to meet in Park City for a day of shopping. This is wild for us since it involves more than an hour drive for each of us ... and two babies under 9 months!

While we were there I confirmed a suspicious I had been having for a while. Landon does NOT like shopping! Oh. My. Heck! Whose child is this? Seriously, we walk into a store ... grouchy Landon. Walk out ... happy Landon. So finally after a blowout and a screaming fit in Banana Republic he went to sleep. Ah ... bliss. Unfortunately, he doesn't nap long and before we knew it we were back in the thick of the battle. So I decided to put him in the Bjorn.

That's right, folks. I was walking around with all 20 lbs. of him strapped to the front of me, pushing the stroller and shopping. The best part is that he kept lurching himself forward to play with the clothes on the racks. Something about boys and shiny or brightly colored things. Adorable-right? Yes, until we have a near miss with his head getting bonked by something hard or sharp because of his impeccable timing. Fortunately it was all near misses and he escaped unscathed.

Let me tell you though ... at this point I am totally sweating. He is a LOT to lug around!

However, mission accomplished! I got him enough clothes to last through the warm weather and the beginning of fall. He had outgrown almost everything. And as adorable as a naked Landon is... I didn't think society would feel the same way every time we left the house. (But trust me on that one ... all his rolls = very adorable naked baby)

At our last stop - Old Navy - Landon began to wail in protest. Perhaps it was because I made him sit back in the stroller ... or perhaps he was just done. While we were there Ale called to say the whole fam had made it safely through their first flights and were officially on their way home. It reminded me ... Did I remember to tell Jeff to leave the Suburban unlocked for them at the airport (they didn't have keys with them)?


Panicked phone call to the hubby. Who had dropped the car off a couple of hours earlier and assumed that they must have keys and locked it up tight.

I felt TERRIBLE! It was all my fault. My dad and I talked about it Monday morning and I completely forgot to pass on the message.

In my defense, Monday was a bit crazy ... work, migraine-size headache, making dinner for a family in the ward, and urgent care that night with Landon (turns out he was fine, thank goodness!). So with all that somehow the car instructions slipped my mind.


So instead of picking Jeff up at work and enjoying the drive home together ... I rushed back down the canyon to Mapleton to pick up the extra set of keys.

Only to drive back north to meet Jeff (he made it all the way to Orem by this time) who was going to drive them back to the airport and then drive home.

Do you see why I love this man so much?! He didn't complain and didn't let me beat myself up over it. He just kept telling me that it was an honest mistake and not a big deal for him to drive up there.

Um? Not a big deal? He makes that horrible drive every day! And yet he didn't complain. And still hasn't.

What a guy. I love him.

So problem solved ... car keys left in an unlocked car for their middle-of-the-night return. And we were all safely home after one heck of a day.

I'm tired all over again just thinking about it :)


Cinda said...

What a day! I'm glad your family made it home ok.

Jake and Megan said...

Oh Landon wasn't that bad! (coming from me who didn't have to lug him around in the baby bjorn and push a stroller) He's completely adorable - even when he does have a slight meltdown.

We had fun. It was much needed on my end. I'm glad your fam made it home okay!