Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday Lessons

1. If you and your baby are both dressed in really cute outfits for the day baby simply can NOT resist spitting up on them ... 5 minutes before you are supposed to be out the door. (And by spitting up I mean so it was so bad we BOTH had to change)

2. That it is going to be hard to leave Landon on every Monday morning.

3. That a sweet email from the hubby can make a Monday seem like a good thing :)

4. You should fill out the baby aptitude test the pediatrician sends out on the day of the appointment. I marked down (2 days ago mind you) that Landon doesn't squeal. What did he do this morning while I was getting ready? Squealed. At his own reflection of course!

5. When the power goes out in Spanish Fork, it doesn't go out all over. Apparently it picks and chooses where to not be on. For example: Macey's and Big-O both had power ... JoAnn Fabrics did not have power (and was therefore closed), which just goes to show I should abandon going to fabric stores forever :)

6. Macey's 1-Hour-Photo turns into 2-Hour-Photo on busy Monday afternoons.

7. No working stoplights in a town actually makes all drivers not super stellar ... and really bad drivers suck. Within 5 minutes I witnessed 4 almost-accidents.

8. July in Utah feels like June in Arizona. So hot there is no relief.

9. Ice cream cones are the perfect end to a yummy summer bbq ... especially with good friends.

10. There is nothing like your baby's laughter to brighten your day :)

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