Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Confessions...

*I ate a pumpkin chocolate-chip cookie for breakfast. (Naughty maybe ... but delicious!)

*I fed Landon dessert for dinner the other night (in my defense I had no idea they even made dessert for babies and just assumed it was like any other jar of fruit ... he liked it though and I'm sure it won't be the last time in his life :)!).

*I eat PB right out of the jar ... so borrowers beware! (and I single-handedly ate an entire jar by myself last week ... yep it's love)

*I was contemplating if I were stuck on an island for a month and could only have one thing to eat the entire time what would it be? Yep ... I decided on PB. It was a toss up with chocolate, but in the end I decided PB was more practical.

*I sometimes wonder why I still work. Then we have days when I don't wonder at all. It's still a catch-22.

*I sometimes wonder exactly where I belong. I'm not fully a stay-at-home-mom (nor do I have a toddler like everyone else seems to have)... but I don't work full time, so I don't quite fit there either. I seem to float ... which is sometimes great. And sometimes not so much.

*I really like my new hair color. I have told a million hairdressers this is what I want and this is the first time it has been right! YAY! (The same is true for my summer highlights ... so Janalee ... I'm clearly a big fan of your work).

*I miss Jeff when he is at work during the day.

*I read and other people's blogs way more often than I do the news. Hence the reason why I have no idea what is really going on overseas, but a very good idea of who is having a baby/getting divorced/has a new haircut in Hollywood. A little pathetic, maybe, but I love it :)


Jake and Megan said...

hahaha I love this post. And I'm not one bit surprised about the PB... Thanks for the diapers and stuff. My mom brought them to me today. Can I give you some money for them? Email me. Oh yeah, and I need to see your new hair color!

Janey said...

If I make cookies or cake or something sweet, it's always my very first bite the next morning.

Peanut butter....Mmmmm....

I miss Mark when he's at work, too. It's the best when they get home!

Jessica said...

Did you know that they actually make chocolate pb?...