Friday, June 28, 2013

Mommy Monday through Friendly Friday...

Last week we had an activity where someone gave ideas on how to keep your kiddos entertained for the summer. I love schedules and themes so this was definitely right up my ally! We've been trying it out this week and have loved it! I wrote something down for each day on Sunday night and it gives us at least one thing to do each day that gets us all involved, etc.

Mommy Monday: This day is a mom's choice day. At our house it is also the day I work the most. So some Mondays might be a lot of playing with Miss Kailee (their sitter), but this Monday I had a book I needed to get from the library so that's what I chose to have us do. Landon has loved the library for a long time... but now Liam is into it too. He didn't even mind when I interrupted his "serious" reading time to make him smile for me. Such a cutie!

Trip Tuesday: We decided to take a trip to the biggest (I think) park in our neighborhood - Eagle Summit Park. It's a fun one, and Landon got to bring a friend, which he loved. And Liam loved the swings!

Wet n' Wild Wednesdays: We went to the new Springville Splashpad with my mom and some friends... and I totally forgot to take a picture! It's a cute splashpad though!! When we got home Liam was SO hot from his car seat despite the AC being on full blast that he had to spend the rest of the afternoon like this (don't you just want to squeeze him?!):

Thrifty Thursdays: Landon had his art class - which is free! And then friends in our ward invited us to go to the Highland Splashpad (also a super awesome one) so we spent a couple of hours there also. It was a fun, but very busy day! And HOT out!

Friendly Friday: Normally this is supposed to be a day where they get to have a friend over/go somewhere with a friend. But we had friends three days this week, so I decided that I was going to be the friend today. We've read stories, watched The Lorax, Landon helped me gather up some things for Sharing Time in Primary and then we made a bubble maker (also an idea from that same activity!) to play with outside. It was a hit for about 5 minutes until he decided that the water would be better used to give his (pretend) snake a bath and then to scoop out the rest with his tractors, while Liam and I watched in the shade and played with blocks. 

It's been a busy, but fun week around here! How do you keep your kids busy? I'd love ideas for our schedule next week ... and if you'd like a copy of this "plan" to print for your house send me your email address and I'll pass it along!


Carolyn said...

I adore the bottom set of pictures with you and your boys. So, so cute. Sounds like a fun way to spend your summer!!

Kristen said...

Okay so those pictures of you and your boys at the bottom are adorable!! They will love looking at those and seeing how much their mama loves them.

What a cute idea about the schedules! I've never really been able to stick to a schedule too well - but that one seems fairly simple. Cute!