Allow me to indulge a little. I want to blog a few things that Landon does lately that I simply don't ever want to forget.
* He says "swimming soup" instead of swimming suit. And when he asks
to go swimming he makes the arm motions as he does it. You know, just in
case we aren't sure what he is meaning :)!
* If you ask him to count to 10 on demand he generally won't do it. But if you are just listening while he is busy he will rattle it off like it is no big deal.
* Landon LOVES to negotiate already (heaven help us!), but it is so stinking funny. He always asks "play trains (or cars) five minutes?" But he says "minutes" like "meeeenuts" and always while holding up just one finger. * He loves the water and the splash pad. And has absolutely no fear. It's almost scary.
* He has also discovered that he can climb ladders on the playground and is becoming quite fearless there. I like that. I want him to be confident in his own abilities and brave enough to try new things. Sometimes I'm biting my fingers behind him so he can't see how nervous I am ... and when he makes eye contact I act as brave as he is (even though I just want to swoop in and protect him).
* He loves nursery!! It was a really, really long time coming, but he's on a roll now. As soon as anything happens in Sacrament meeting he says "nursery!" Unfortunately this begins as soon as the opening prayer is finished :)
* He has become a master stall-er. Seriously. He could drag out anything ... forever if we let him!
* He is obsessed with babies. He glows with pride when he is able to hold or touch one (and he tries so hard to be soft!). I'm hopeful he will love being a big brother. I think the baby enchantment will wear off quickly once a baby is a permanent fixture in our house, but I am still hopeful that there will be a lot of love there.
* I asked Landon a few days ago if he thought we wanted us to have a boy-baby or a girl-baby and he looked at me, pointed at my stomach and said "that one." That's how Jeff and I feel too, so I loved his answer!!
* His current obsession is "fast race cars!" and he says it in his best low-masculine-race-car -driver voice.
* At any given point there are several of said "fast race cars" everywhere in our house. Generally they can be found in our bathroom, Landon's bathroom, his bedroom, underneath the kitchen table, the living room (lined up for the next big race), our car, and parked in the pantry.
We have so much fun with him and feel so lucky to have him part of our family!!