Thursday, February 12, 2015

Out of the Mouth of Babes

I have served in Primary for a lot of years now. And I love it. I love seeing their testimonies grow and learning from their incredible spirits. Nothing has been more fun though, than being with Landon in Primary. He just tries so, so hard to be reverent and participate. And sing really loud! 

It is so obvious to me lately how many decisions he will face as he enters school and grows up more. The influence of peers is getting bigger and my urgency to protect him and prepare him more and more continues to grow. And then sometimes it hits me - the size of his faith already, and the conviction he has.

This morning I woke up with a headache. Truth be told, I went to bed with a headache and it was still there when I woke up. The pain was terrible, and it's been happening more lately. After getting the kids breakfast I had to go lay down on the couch again for a bit. I just didn't feel like I could function it was so bad.

Landon came over to me (after already stepping up and helping so much this morning) and said "Mom, I'm going to give you a blessing!" I love that he knew that's what I needed, and as the only "man" around it was up to him.

I explained that I loved that he wanted to but that he isn't old enough to hold the Priesthood. But that he could pray for me. So he declared, "Okay, then I'll pray." 

And proceeded to say a simple prayer completely focused on me feeling better and having the strength to get better (he actually used the word strength...). 

Tears filled my eyes. His faith was simple, pure and un-doubting. And it worked. Through tears I hugged him. Then I stood up and continued the day. My head still hurts faintly, but has turned into background pain, instead of migraine pain. And my heart is full.

I hope that his faith continues to grow. That it is challenged, and tested and comes out stronger for it. And that someday he is old enough and worthy that when the occasion presents itself that he can say "I can give you a blessing." 


Kristen said...

Oh my gosh, what a little sweetie! That made me tear up. I love moments like that.

Carolyn said...

This is the sweetest story! What a wonderful young man he is growing into. I'm sorry your headaches and migraines have amped up lately, I hope you find relief!