Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cute Things from Landon Lately

Sometimes kids say the cutest things ... and I always worry I'll forget! (Which, currently is a huge concern ... I can't remember anything!) Landon keeps getting more articulate and comes up with some pretty cute things.

*He has taken to saying "That's MY mom!" He will tell this to kids on the playground, when we're out places, to people in our new ward he doesn't recognize yet. And every time it makes me want to get all teary-eyed. Like he thinks I'm really someone worth knowing. I know we'll go through times when he might try his hardest for people not to know who I am ... so I savor it every time I hear those words. And I tell him ... "you're MY Landon!"

*We love to ask him what we're naming baby brother. He hasn't ever come up with a weird or off the wall name ... we occasionally get our friends' kids' names, but generally he sticks to one of the two on the list. You just never know which one he's leaning to at the time. But it's pretty adorable to hear him say Emerson or Liam (which is a bit more like Liamum still)!

*The other day I took him in to the baby's room, which contains his crib (and is where he slept until we finished his big boy room in this house). We had put a baby toy in there and I wanted to explain to him that it will be something that we play with baby brother with, etc. I want him to feel really involved. I also don't want him to think it will still fit him in it :)! He was THRILLED by it - he said "mom, it's baby Einstein!" Seriously, the kid was brainwashed at some point :)!

*That same day he stood up and started walking along the crib running his little hands over it and said, "mom, baby brother is going to sleep in my fishy bed!" (he has fish bedding...). I couldn't believe he told me that - we haven't really gone over that yet, so I was really surprised. I know we'll have some adjustments to make and I'm sure there will be some moments with the new baby, but overall he is so, so excited!

*Last night we were looking through the baby clothes to see what we might need to fill in. Landon picked up a tiny pair of baby Puma's and said "Puma shoes! I love Puma shoes!" Jeff was sitting right behind him. I thought he was going to literally burst with pride. Those two are seriously so much alike :)! 

*Speaking of which, Landon has hit a huge "daddy phase." He has been getting up really early in hopes of seeing Jeff before work (adorable, but I miss our old wake-up time personally!), and the first thing he asks me is "where's dad?!" He waits by the door before he comes home and night and commands all his attention for some post dinner play time. It's super cute!

*I love asking him what he wants for Christmas - he always says "more trains, trucks and legos!" every single time. Luckily nothing too outlandish has made it on to the list. I'm just impressed that a kiddo his age understands what I'm asking him and can give such a consistent answer.

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