Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thankful for Friends

I'll be honest, a lot of people think their friends are wonderful. But mine? Mine are even MORE wonderful. Some examples...

I got a well-timed email from a dear friend who lives much too far away these days. It said just what I needed to hear with a promise to catch up on the phone soon.

I have friends who give me a shoulder to cry on (something that isn't easy for me), and a listening ear... and sometimes even little surprises to make my day go better.

I have learned so much about motherhood from them...

They are patient and loving with my sweet boy even when he's having a not-so-sweet toddler moment, or are willing to pitch in when I need a sitter.

They make me laugh ... these are a hilarious, fun, ferocious bunch of women. Trust me - their loyalty will tell you it isn't wise to mess with one of us...and it feels good to know you have someone else (or lots of someone else's in your corner).

Jeff and I are also blessed with very amazing couple-friends and neighbors. They have saved us more times than I can count ... from a cup of flour, a fixed car, or a meal brought in to much, much more. It's sometimes hard to believe we have so many wonderful people in our lives. It makes me (and us!) feel really blessed. So today I'm thankful for friends!


Kristen said...

That's right, us ferocious women!! :)

Tamsin North said...

I was just laughing at the ferocious women too. It takes one to know one! ;)

Tamara said...

Love your grateful posts! And I am thankful for you Ari!