Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mommy's Little Helper

Landon is very into imitating people lately ... he LOVES to mimic us. I think it is pretty funny most of the time. Who knew a 15 month old could watch me pull out a pack of gum and start "chewing" with his mouth because he knows that is what is coming? Adorable, I tell you.

Yesterday I cleaned our sliding glass door. While I was busy cleaning, Landon was busy watching. When I went outside to clean he was so kind as to put both his little hands (whose prints I had just cleaned off) and his tongue on the glass :)! I had to laugh... he was just so interested in what I was doing. I didn't think much of it and went back to making dinner.

But a few minutes later I found him doing this:

He got into the washrag/towel drawer and pulled a couple out, crawled over to the glass, stood up and started washing the windows. It was so cute I could hardly stand it!


The Davis Family said...

That is so funny because Ethan has just recently started doing the same thing. He loves to clean the tile in our kitchen. =) I'm guessing the desire to clean won't last long, so we should enjoy it while we can!


Jake and Megan said...

Soooo cute!! Kaylee loves to help me with laundry. She gets very upset if I don't give her some clothes to carry to the laundry room. If only it could last into and through their teenage years...