Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Midwestern Summer Day

Today was a typical Midwestern summer day. We were invited to lunch by an old family friend. They go back so far they knew my parents before they were even married. It was fun to catch up with them. Then we went to the pool ... it was SO hot! Landon loved it ... they have a great shallow area where babies play and women sunbathe. He had a great time crawling up to them and flirting ... But then he realized I wasn't going to let him crawl his way to the really deep water (I'm a mean mom you know) ... so we finally decided to leave and have a nap.

After dinner we visited my grandma's grave (my dad's mom). I haven't been there in a long time. It was really nice to go. Landon really liked crawling around in the grass while my mom told us stories about their small town.
We finished the night off with some ice cream from a local creamery ... delicious! Landon loved it as you can see ...
After the ice cream was finished he created quite the masterpiece. We were both covered in chocolate ice cream by the end. But really, isn't that what summer is all about?
* My mom used to babysit the guy who runs the pool. She potty-trained him and his twin brother when they were 2 ... and she only made $15 a week to do it! He let her in for $1 instead of $4.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're mom has all the sweet hook-ups! :) Looks like a super fun summer time!